Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Page Rank Predictor

Hi all, today's marketing tip is about Google Page Rank.

I stumbled upon a really cool SEO tool that I wanted to share with everyone. As of today, this website and one other website I own are still waiting to be assigned a Page Rank by Google. For those of you new to SEO or unfamiliar with Page Rank, it is the value that Google assigns to a page based on a variety of factors. This page rank score has a direct impact on your search engine rankings for particular keywords or keyword phrases.

I found the following tool which predicts page rank. If you've downloaded the Google Page Rank tool bar and still show your site with a PR zero, then use this tool. It takes a number of factors into consideration to predict future page rank. To get started, click here and page down. Simply enter your URL and click on "Check." Have fun!


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