Monday, January 11, 2010

Good Marketing Tip 224: Effective Communication

Today's good marketing tip is all about communication.  Not only does your message need to be on target but your message needs to be targeted to the right audience.  The success of any direct marketing campaign comes down to the list (target audience) and message (promotion).  Are your messages on target?

Test. Test. Test.  As I've said time and again, effective messaging is really all about understanding your market and testing.  What you may think is a good message may not have the desired result among your target market.  Come up with multiple messages and let your audience decide which is most effective.
Alter your timing to make sure that your message is being heard.  Sometimes your message may be right on but your timing is off.  This can have a negative effect on your results.  So make sure that you're testing your message at different times to see if you get a different results.

Effective communication takes the right audience, the right message and the right timing.  Keep working until you get it right!


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