This week, my main website, was hijacked. Apparently someone thought it would be fun to place some malware on my site. As a result, Google shut down MarketingScoop and sent me some pretty disturbing messages. As of this morning, new files have been uploaded and Google notified, but we're still waiting for the site to be released by them.
I'm sure we'll be good to go by tomorrow but I sure learned my lesson. Back up your site weekly and make sure that your host has the required protections to keep spammers out. MarketingScoop has been online for 5 years and never had a single issue related to security. Clearly no one is immune.
So today's marketing tip is simple. Back up, be secure, and if an issue strikes, make sure you have competent people to help you resolve what ever comes your way. I know that I couldn't have succeeded without the help of talented and qualified people!
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