For any of our readers who have been following the Good Marketing Tips blog, you know that this site was created to provide objective reviews of online marketing tools and resources. I have found literally hundreds of marketing related tools to improve my business. But there are only a few that I use on a daily basis.
I'd like to start posting info on these tools more frequently as this blog evolves. Although I may recommend pay-for products and services in addition to free ones, I'll only do so if I've used the product myself. Also, I'm very interested in your comments regarding marketing products you've tried. Simply comment on any of the products I discuss on this blog so that the marketing community can benefit.
Today, I'd like to talk about a simple tool that is so easy to us, and free, that you have to check it out. That tool is Quantcast. is a website that gives you a really good understanding of your competitors website(s). For example, let's look at this result for a random website.Quantcast shows me their traffic information as well as demographics. Check out this demographics snapshot that shows me what types of people are using there site! It's a great way to understand your audience and the audience of your competitors.
This tool is a great place to start for your marketing related activities such as research and even creating new client campaigns. As you explore the tool, you will find that the information is really helpful.
Give it a try and let me know if you find this web traffic tool helpful. I used it quite often and find that it provides info that just isn't available anywhere else.
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